MS Office 2007 [Print]


When we have completed our task and want to take print out our document or we can say hard copy require of that soft copy then use the print option.
We can print out with the two ways:-
1.)  Press Ctrl + P then Print dialog box will come.

2.)  Click to Ms Office Button and click to print option.

When we click to print Button there is three sub options are present we can choose only one of them.

a.)  Print: -  We can set the printing properties by it. Select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
The following are the buttons and other options in the Print dialog box:
 Name   In the list, click a printer you have installed and want to use.
 Status   For the selected printer, tells the status of the printer, such as idle, busy, or the number of files before your print job.
 Type   For the selected printer, tells the type of printer you selected, such as laser.
 Where   For the selected printer, tells the location of the printer or which port the printer is connected to.
 Comment   For the selected printer, tells any additional information you might need to know about the printer.
 Properties   Click this button when you want to change the properties, such as paper type, for the printer that you are using.
 Find Printer   Click this button to find a printer that you have access to.
 Print to file   Select this check box to create a file from the document instead of routing it directly to a printer. The file is saved with print formatting, such as font selection and color specification in a .prn file that can be printed to another printer.
 Number of copies   In this list, click the number of copies that you want printed.
 Collate   Select this check box if you want your print job to be kept in the order that you created in your document when printed. This check box is available if you are printing multiple copies.
 Pages per sheet   In this list, click the number of pages that will appear on one printed page.
 Scale to paper size in this list; click the paper size that you want your document to print on.  
 All   Click this option if you want to print all pages in your file.
 Current page Click this option if you only want to print the page that your cursor is currently on.  
 Pages   Click this option and add the page numbers or page ranges in the box.
 Print what   In this list, click the elements that you want printed.
 Print   In this list, click if you want to print all pages, odd pages, or even pages.
 Options   Click this button to go to more printing options in the Display category in the Word Options dialog box.
 OK   Click this button to send your document to the printer.
 Cancel   Click this button to go back to your document without printing it.
          b.)  Quick Print: - If we want to printed document without any custom setting so select Quick Print option because it is help to print our documents directly to the default printer without making changes.       

         c.)  Print Preview: - As the name clears that preview before printing any documents. By it we can see how to look our documents after printing. If we want to make any change then cancel preview and making changes and save documents and again see preview, finally got the page with appropriate setting then give the print command.

After completing all these for print the documents but  if you don't want to print document then press Cancel button then every selections would cancel


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