MS Office[Tabs & Ribbon]

Tabs & Ribbon
Tabs: - Microsoft Office 2007 boasts a new navigation tool — the command ribbon                  that runs through Word, Use the tabs on the ribbon in each program to                     work with and within files in every component. Tabs are Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailing, Review, and View.

Ribbons: - The Ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Commands are organized in logical groups, which are collected together under tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such as writing or laying out a page. To reduce clutter, some tabs are shown only when needed. 

For example, the Picture Tools tab is shown only when a picture is selected.
The following tables show the commands grouped under each ribbon tab for each of the four programs:
Microsoft Word 2007 Ribbon Tabs
Ribbon Tab Name
Command Groups
Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing
Shapes, Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbols
Page Layout
Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, and Arrange
Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citation & Bibliography, Captions, Index, and Table of Authorities
Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, and Finish
Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, and Protect
Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, and Window

HOME TAB :-  These include formatting commands like changing text size, font style, font 

color, list types, and clipboard functionality like Cut, Copy and Paste. Furthermore, the home

 tab in Word 2007 includes features like text alignment, line spacing, gallery styles and theme 

settings.  Finally, the Home Tab includes the ability to find and replace text.

INSERT TAB :-  The Insert Tab is right next to the Home Tab in Microsoft Word 2007. 

This tab has a lot of useful features that will let you insert things like pictures, clip art images, 

shapes, Smart Art graphics, charts and a host of other items.  Let us review a few of these 

features in this exciting new tab.  

PAGE LAYOUT TAB :-  The Page Layout Tab lets you control the look and feel of your 

document in Microsoft Word 2007. You can apply a global design to your document by using 

one of the available themes and color schemes. You can also change the document orientation, 

page size, margins, indentation, line spacing and paragraph settings.

REFERENCE TAB :- The References Tab on Microsoft Word 2007's new ribbon offers a quick 

way to 
enter your document sources, citations and choose a style like APA, MLA etc. On the 

References tab you  will find things like Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & 

Bibliography, Table of Figures, Captions,Indexes and Table of Authorities.

MAILING TAB :- Using the Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word 2007, you can write a 

customized letter or flier to all your customers in one shot. 

REVIEW TAB :- In Microsoft Word 2007, the Review Tab is useful in a lot of ways. You can 

have the Spelling and Grammar feature, the Research option, Thesaurus and Translation 

VIEW TAB :- The View tab in Microsoft Word 2007 has the functionality to change your 

document views. The View tab has the following groups: Document Views, Show/ Hide, Zoom, 

Window and Macros.

It's all about Tabs and Ribbon. if any query or questions so can ask by comment box.


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