MS Office[Style]


Quick Styles gallery

Quick Styles Collections of formatting options that make formatting your documents and objects easier. Word 2007 allows you to create your own styles. Office Word 2007 also introduces Quick Styles, which make it easy for you to create a professional and well-designed document in minutes. Quick Styles are sets of styles that are designed to work together to create an attractive and professional looking document it's easier to use a different Quick Style set. But under certain circumstances.

 Apply a style
Applying a style to a selection of text in Microsoft Office Word 2007 is as easy as clicking a button in the Quick Styles gallery.
1.    Select the text to which you want to apply a style.  
For example, you can select text that you want to make into a heading. If you want to change the style for an entire paragraph, click anywhere in the paragraph.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the style that you want. If you don't see the style that you want, click the more buttonsto expand the Quick Styles gallery.
For example, if you select text that you want to style as a title, click the style called Title in the Quick Styles gallery.
 NOTE    You can see how selected text will look with a particular style by placing your pointer over the style that you want to preview.
 NOTE    If the style that you want does not appear in the Quick Styles gallery, press CTRL+SHIFT+S to open the Apply Styles task pane. Under Style Name, type the name of the style that you want. The list shows only those styles that you already used in the document, but you can type the name of any style that is defined for the document.
EX.                                             Before



Change a style
In Microsoft Office Word 2007, Quick Styles are sets of styles that are designed to work together to create an attractive and professional looking document. In most cases, you won't change styles in a Quick Style set because the styles have been designed to complement one another, and it's easier to use a different Quick Style set. But, under certain circumstances, you might want to change the attributes of a style in a Quick Style set.
You might be used to applying all your formatting directly.
For example, to format a heading, you could use the Bold button and the Font and Font Size boxes. Or you could use the Font and Paragraph dialog boxes, which have more options to help you design text and set alignment and spacing.You could do it all this way. But it's a lot of work; and what if you want to use the same formatting for another heading or even for another document?
This is where styles come in. Styles are specially packaged sets of that apply many formats at one time. The style is there for you to use again and again.

 1.    Select text that is styled with the style attributes that you want to change.
For example, to change the attributes of the Heading 2 style, select text that has the Heading 1 style applied.
TIP To view the attributes of a particular style, click the Styles Dialog Box Launcher, and then rest your pointer over a style in the list.
1.    Format the selected text with the new attributes that you want.

For example, to change the attributes of the Heading 2 style, select text that has the Heading 1 style applied.

 On the Home tab, in the Styles group, right-click the style that you want to change. 

  •  Change Style Option is categorized in some other part also

1.) Style Set

2.) Color

3.) Font          
Style Set:-
It will change document completely according to selection.
Ex.                                            Before

I selected few lines and choosing fancy in Style Set.

I selected few lines and then applied fancy but it changed all document.

For more practice I selected few lines and then applied Elegant but it changed all document.

All of the style colors and formats in a single style set are designed to be used together to create an attractive and readable document.
Select text that would be styled with the Heading 1 style attributes that we want to change color.

After Applying Heading 1

After Changing Color

One More Example:-

Font:It will change document's font completely according to selection.



Create a New Quick Style
Quick Styles are sets of styles created to work together. Although a Quick Style set likely contains all of the styles that you need to build a document, you may want to add a brand new style. You can also create additional styles, such as a new table or list style.
1.    Select the text that you want to create as a new style.
For example, perhaps you want the word business always to appear as bold and red in your document.
2.    On the Mini toolbar that appears above your selection, click Bold and Red to format the text.
3.    Right-click the selection, point to Styles, and then click Save Selection as a New Quick Style.
4.    Give the style a name — for example, business — and then click OK.
The business style that you created appears in the Quick Styles gallery with the name you gave it, ready for you to use whenever you want text to be bold and red.


                                                          See There is NO Business Style



Business Style Set added

Show the Style window:-

1.    By the use of Shortcut key (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+s) we can Show the Style Window.
2.    On the Home tab, click the Style Dialog Box Launcher.

3.    In the Style dialog box, click different styles.

4.    In the style Clear All will clear all the formatting.

It's all about the Style option. If there is any query then ask me.


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